Shipping of Coconut Charcoal: Declare VS Misdeclare
What is the difference between shipping as Declare and Mis declare.
To Whom this article will be useful
This article is made for coconut charcoal briquettes wholesale buyer. The one who is going to buy at least one sea container 17–25 tones of charcoal.
The original article is published on
What is the problem?
As probably you know already: most of the shipping lines doesn’t want to carry coconut charcoal. If you call liner and ask them for the price: the answer will be: “sorry, we are not allow coconut charcoal on the vessel”.
It all started in earlier 2000’s when MSC shipping lines get one of the containers on fire while shipping to Russia. Since then most of the shipping lines decline to carry coconut charcoal.
So how do you do shipping?
There are two ways of shipping coconut charcoal.
One is Declare or Mention coconut charcoal in the shipping documents such as Bill of Lading or B/L.
It means that in Bill of Lading we write that we are shipping coconut charcoal briquettes.
This is the most safest and recommended way for shipping coconut charcoal with Declare or mention method.
Most of the shipping lines treat coconut charcoal as Dangerous Goods (DG) not as a General Cargo. Even in the MSDS our coconut charcoal is stated as safe and not subjected to self ignition based on SHT test.
Dangerous Goods means that the container shell be placed on the special deck of the vessel, designed for dangerous goods. It makes the shipping more expensive.
Basically shipping of DG will cost you 30–100% more then shipping a General Cargo. For example: shipping general cargo to Newark, USA is 5–7 thousands USD. But shipping of DG is 15–18 thousand USD.
The second method of shipping is Misdelcare (strongly not recommended)
Misdeclare means that in Bill of Lading we are mention not coconut charcoal, but another “safe” product: like parquetted, furniture, wooden handicrafts anything that is not charcoal.
With this method you can get cheaper freight cost, as shipping lines accept you as a General Cargo.
But if the shipping line will find out that you “misceclare” you will get a huge fines. ZIM shipping lines will charge you about 30.000 USD, CMA 20.000 USD and so on. This is huge amount of money comparing with costs of the goods.
Besides it you as buyer, shipping agent and the factory will be blacklisted from most of shipping lines.
This is a big risks. Every year hundreds of containers with coconut charcoal being couched by shipping lines, stopped and banned.
As the reliable coconut charcoal factory we strongly suggest to use Declare or Mention method while shipping charcoal.
If you have any questions please fill free to contact Greg for more information WhatsApp, Telegram: +6285328727291